We're proud to represent São Paulo's freestyle hero:


Diego Oliveira - Futebol Freestyle Sao Paulo

Diego Oliveira - São Paulo

Diego is one of the first Brazilian freestylers to ever grace the world stage.
Having started back in 2006, his experience and professionalism as a performer is unrivalled.

As well as a top class freestyler, Diego is a brilliant football player and has been invited to play in charity games with the likes of Cafú and Neymar.

Diego's specialities also include street football & panna demonstrations (Diego can challenge members of the audience to take the ball from him
while he uses hilarious and amazing skills to nutmeg them and dribble around them)

To contact Diego or for any general inquiries regarding Brazil, simply email us at info@worldclassfreestyle.com or use the submission form at the bottom of this page.






CONTACT - Brazil